Happy New Year 2018

(video better viewed full frame — on a computer click on the icon at the
bottom of the video with the 4 arrows pointing outwards; on a phone rotate for full frame)

Family and Friends,

The theme for 2017 has been “perseverance.” In all honesty, this has been a difficult year. My older sister Emily succumbed to pancreatic cancer in April, less than 6 months from her diagnosis. I felt very fortunate to be able to step back from work, help care for her and be with her until the end. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Clay and the boys, my mom Keiko, my in-laws, and friends who jumped in to help manage the household in my absence. Her life was cut short by a horrible cancer which also took my father’s life, and she left behind a husband and 3 young children. Sometimes I forget she’s gone, and when I remember, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

“Perseverance” has been part of my personal journey through this. I’m not someone who believes in fate, that things are “meant to happen,” or that God has a bigger plan. I’ve had to push through the sadness and confusion of Emily’s death to realize that I make my choices in life. I choose if I want to find happiness, find the glass half filled and not half empty, or find hope in the future. Ultimately I do want all those things.

Life can be so hard. But it’s hard for everyone at one time or another. I know I’m not alone in my feelings and experiences. And it makes all the difference to know that I am persevering alongside my loved ones who are all going through the same thing in their own ways. We are in this journey of life together. We should never feel alone.

So, for the good things in life. Clay, Ever, and Levi (and I) are all doing well. Work is a plenty, Ever is enjoying high school (with little complaint), and Levi is in his last year at Bridges! 8th grade, seriously??? Both boys are still funny and goofy with big hearts, although we’re definitely knee deep in the (lazy) teenage life! Sometimes I wish they had more interests and passions. Then I remember they don’t smoke crack and that things could be a lot worse. I’m so appreciative of how they show their love for me and Clay, and I dread the day they decide a hug is gross. Clay and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this year! Currently we are competing to see who has the bigger pot belly.

The very beginning of this year’s slideshow is a mini memorial to my big sis Emily. If it brings back memories of the loved ones you’ve lost, let’s remember them together in solidarity. And then let’s remember all the wonderful things we have to celebrate in life and the future.

Wishing you the best in 2018,

Cindy (and Clay, Ever, Levi, Rufus, Nessie, Frances, Burrito, Nugget, Mojo, and Jojo)



“Dreams” by Alice Boman buy it here

When hope dies, that is what hurts the most

The clarity that comes when you see what you’ve just lost

Is there a place, is there a place

We can go, we can go where dreams begin?

Where do dreams begin?

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter what we do

What’s done is done (is done)

What’s gone is gone (what’s gone is gone)

The look on your face tells me more than I want to know

May the morning

May the morning be close

Is there a place, is there a place

We can go, we can go where dreams begin?

Where do dreams begin?

Is there a place, is there a place

We can go, we can go where dreams begin?

Where do the dreams begin?

Where do dreams begin?

Where do dreams begin?